一對菲律賓的醫生夫婦,曾生下一位患有 [甲型海洋性貧血重症] 的兒子。患有甲型海洋性貧血疾病的患者,不能生產任何負責在身體周圍攜帶氧氣的功能性a球蛋白。一般這類疾病的嬰兒,在母親的子宮中或出生後不久,便會因嚴重貧血缺氧而死亡,但兒子奇跡般地倖存下來!
(圖片出自:Alab Caringal 粉絲專頁)
只是兒子 Alab 每2-3週,都需忍受針刺輸血以為生。他是菲律賓第一位和唯一醫療案例的倖存者,同時也是全世界報告的極少數病例之一。夫婦遠渡重洋來到祈新婦產科,經由 PGD(現稱為PGT-M) 技術篩檢,生了一位健康且 HLA 符合的妹妹,可以藉臍帶血、幹細胞移植技術,救援大兒子Alab。妹妹就是人稱的「救命寶寶」,為哥哥帶來新生希望。
祈新婦產科的服務人員,非常親切友善。特別是協助我們這樣的外國人,他們極為樂於協助我們。多虧祈新婦產科的幫忙,我們能夠成功完成IVF(試管嬰兒) 和 PDG (移植前基因診斷),為我們帶來極大幫助。
他們的完整故事請至: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OCfUB1Kw5VI&feature=share
Follow Alab’s journey and progress at:
This is the story of a little boy named Alexander Benedict P. Caringal or Alab for short. He has been diagnosed to have Alpha Thalassemia Major or 4-Gene Deletion Alpha Thalassemia. He was born premature at 29 weeks with a failing heart, for which he stayed in the Neonatal ICU for 3 and a half months.
Alab’s story is one for the books. He miraculously defied insurmountable odds. He is the 1st and only survivor of this condition in the Philippines and is amongst the very very few cases reported worldwide.
His journey has been an inspiration and ray of hope to many people, especially to families who have been going through similar situations.
Alab has been developing well, with no current medical problems, but requires lifetime blood transfusions every 3 weeks to keep his hemoglobin within normal range. The only known and acceptable cure to Alpha Thalassemia Major is a Bone Marrow Transplant, which he will be undergoing in the near future. This is his only chance to rid him of the blood transfusions and its future complications.